The Scientific Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation focuses on psychological interventions for groups experiencing a crisis in the psychological, family, social, educational, and occupational dimensions, and in the applied field of psychological rehabilitation for groups suffering from bio-psycho-social crises, such:
Psychological rehabilitation for groups suffering from Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.
Psychological rehabilitation for the elderly,
Psychological rehabilitation for groups affected by social trauma,
Psychological rehabilitation for groups dealing with suicidal ideation
Psychological rehabilitation of groups suffering from other bio-psycho-social crises.
This journal seeks to collect and publish research findings about the most up-to-date scientific achievements in the field of psychodiagnosis, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation counseling for groups suffering from bio-psycho-social crises. In addition to correct adherence to scientific and ethical standards and frameworks in publication, this journal will give priority to the evaluation and publication of manuscripts that have a related scope.